Community check – this how well we are digitally

In Hekate we’re strongly focusing on the digital aspects of the different areas of life, too. We approach ageing, mental health, work, personal fulfilment, social life and community, and even sustainability through our digital lenses. Why? Because we do live in a digital era that requires us to intentionally and critically reflect on and actContinue reading “Community check – this how well we are digitally”

Leny 80 – Those Whose Footsteps I Want to Follow

Lighthouses. They live among us. Perhaps they lack lanterns, but their smiles, their words, their entire beings radiate energy, joy of life, and a desire to live. They appear as relatives, neighbours, or as teachers, and though often not consciously acknowledged in our daily lives, they wield a significant impact on us. Sometimes they becomeContinue reading “Leny 80 – Those Whose Footsteps I Want to Follow”

Conscious Ageing Club – Will robots care for us?

After the summer holiday, we are eager to continue our Conscious Ageing Club (online). Last time, we began a conversation about AI and digital solutions, as well as their impacts on conscious aging. (If you missed the conversation, you can read some of the insights here: It became apparent that this is such aContinue reading “Conscious Ageing Club – Will robots care for us?”

P-AGE / Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform

The P-AGE project (Pécs* Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform) has been launched through a partnership between the Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation and the Pécs Community Foundation. For the first time in human history, 4-5 generations are living together on Earth. Europe has never had as many people over the age of 75 as it doesContinue reading “P-AGE / Intergenerational and Age-Friendly Community Platform”

UnfOlding / conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society

To equip for conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society The UnfOlding project has distinct focuses: Creating a dedicated community of adult learners from The Netherlands and Hungary, fostering ongoing dialogue, long-term community learning, and co-creating progressive community initiatives. Strengthening the strategic cooperation between Hekate Conscious Ageing Foundation and Jánoshida Municipality in promotingContinue reading “UnfOlding / conscious ageing and conscious living in a digital society”

Conscious Ageing Club – we kicked it off!

Celebration time: last week we successfully kicked off our Conscious Ageing Club with its first English speaking episode (after a couple of episodes in Hungarian)! It’s nice, isn’t it? You might wonder though what our Conscious Ageing Club is exactly, so let us tell you! During one of our projects, co-founded by the European Commission,Continue reading “Conscious Ageing Club – we kicked it off!”

UnfOlding – We worden allemaal ouder

Een tweedaagse workshop in de LekPoort Vianen over ouder worden  We worden ouder dan ooit. En oud worden is toch een beetje een taboe onderwerp. Oud worden is enerzijds een heel mooi proces van groei en ‘becoming’ en anderzijds ook een proces van loslaten en verlies. We leven in een digitaal tijdperk, waarin we “meerContinue reading “UnfOlding – We worden allemaal ouder”

Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad?

Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad? *Áldás vagy átok a technológia?*Mit hoz az öregedő generációk számára?*Mire érdemes figyelni?*Mire érdemes felkészülni?*Mit érdemes elkerülni?*Hogyan készüljünk arra a világra, amit pár éven belül hoz el a mesterséges intelligencia elterjedése? Ilyen és hasonló kérdésekről beszélgetünk a Tudatos Öregedés Klubban. Beszégető társak:– Taliga Nóra, digitális wellbeing oktató/szakértő–Continue reading “Digitális társadalom, mesterséges intelligencia, változó világ? Aki kimarad, lemarad?”


We live in a digital age empowered by technology, with all its benefits and challenges. We are all doing our best to cope with(in) it, but are we READY to thrive? Just like paying attention to what we eat, who we surround ourselves with, how we rest or how we practice sport to increase our quality of life, building and maintaining our digital spaces consciously is a dominant factor when it comes to our and our communities’ needs and satisfaction. Do you also feel the need to stop, reflect and improve?
You probably wonder if you and your target groups are using the right tools to manage the “shadow sides” of Social Media (such as cyber-bullying, digital addiction, info overload); if you effectively cope with the technical challenges (such lack of digital literacy or fake news); or maybe if your on-line community is barrier-free or ethical. It’s never easy to dedicate time to reflect on how to support the needs of the diverse people you work with.
Different organisations, different challenges. We might thrive in some areas and we might struggle in other ones. We are coaches and educators specialised in the digital consciousness. With the CONSCIOUSLY DIGITAL programme we want to create a space for reflecting and building digital consciousness and actions focusing on your organisation’s needs.

UnfOlding – Bereid jezelf voor op bewust ouder worden en bewust leven in een digitale samenleving

Een uniek programma voor jou als je bewust, positief en actief verantwoordelijkheid wilt nemen voor jouw proces van ouder worden Ouder worden betekent Leven! Iedere dag is weer een kans en elke keuze die we vandaag maken vormt onze toekomst. Voor het eerst in de geschiedenis is 90 jaar oud worden geen uitzondering. Dit brengtContinue reading “UnfOlding – Bereid jezelf voor op bewust ouder worden en bewust leven in een digitale samenleving”